Yeah, above... not me. From here
I work out with a personal Trainer one on one. I know. Shocker. (you can't tell by looking at me, but I like to tell myself I'm "building muscle" even if the fat hasn't fallen off yet). I'll tell you more about him later. He always tells me, "They hate you, the people at work don't care about you!" Sounds pretty harsh, but he's just dramatic. This is after week upon week of me reporting eating crappy foods at work. He says that if people bring in junk food and goodies, then they don't care one lick about you, because they are ruining your get healthy efforts. If you're measuring it on that scale, then the ladies at work HATE me.
This is currently in the Freezer (someone had a birthday)- Ice Cream Cake from Brusters (SO GOOD) Flavors: 1/2 Chocolate Trash- chocolate covered pretzels and candybars in chocolate ice cream; and 1/2 Graham Central Station A graham cracker ice cream with chocolate chunks and a swirl of a soft sugary graham crunch. Yeah... REALLY hard to resist, especially when you sit at a desk all day, it's easy to rationalize... "Aside from boredom, I've been working hard all day, I deserve a treat." EEEK! Am I the only weak one or are you drooling too?
Next UP: Dale & Thomas Popcorn. This is what we gave clients for Christmas. It's gourmet popcorn. It was on Oprah's favorite things list. We just cracked open, or should I say ransacked the box of the left overs. 4 bags leftover for the takers. Peanut butter and white chocolate drizzle corn and Chocolate chunk and caramel. Drool.
This is just the beginning of the hatred. We are an office of 7 women. There are always brownies, muffins, etc. Consider this a THWART!
Suggestions? Other then Practicing "No thanks" in your head a million times every day, Where do you pull the self control from. Any other Suggestions on how to avoid being sucked in?!
Andi (a faithful fan, also known as sister) says- drink a glass of water or two before you eat or want the snack- helps avoid gorging yourself and eliminate the craving altogether. Any other suggestions?
My sister said the more she drinks the more she craves it. I guess when we are dehydrating ourselves our bodies adapt and we dont necessarily feel like we are dying for a drink, but once we open the water gates it yells, Wahoo! Give me all ya got! Makes sense.
Another Note: Her trainer friend said you divide your weight by two and thats how many ounces you have to drink if you're trying to lose weight. 200 lbs, you should be drinking 100 oz. Holy Moly!
Caution: if you drink too much water you can suffer from water intoxication. It dilutes the sodium in your body, and flushes out your much needed electrolites, Drink alot but not too much!
DWG: Not sure... I'm going to Animal Kingdom tonight right after work, and wont be home till late. Maybe I could weigh myself... That's the workout goal I keep failing on... (see sidebar cartoon with a scale and two girls- My sentiments). I didn't quite get my water in, so I'll try to drink my 8X8.
WWG (weekend workout goal):